Notice something new?
I made a new header/banner for my blog yesterday! Yeey!
I'm still not satisfied with it though. I want it to be more creative.
I've searched high and low on how to customize this header thingy
and get the size correctly. Lo and behold, the answer is just at the
tip of our fingers. Hehe. Seriously, I just googled it away and with
a few clicks of the mouse, I was redirected to self-help blogs on to
pimp your blog site. I am just really concerned on getting the size right.
Now for the design, my all-time favorite software comes to play--
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended.
I've been toying with this software since college. What others don't know is
that, I enjoy editing photos, making collages and stuffs like that. I can't say I'm
good at it. But I can make something in the picture disappear- like unwanted spaces/things/persons,
camouflaging into the background.I can make something that's not there appear as well. Haha.
And I've been through the different versions of this software. Selecting the area (with all the
irregular shapes & lines) that I want to edit proved to be a difficult task with the older version
but is made oh-so-easy-&-convenient with CS3. Thanks to the improved Magic Wand tool.
Going back to the size, for those who wants to use a customized header, you
may follow the dimensions as appearing on the screen below:
My skills (if you can call it that) is limited only to enhancing photos.
I cannot make anything from scratch. I suck at drawing. If only I know how to draw,
I would have taken up architecture/engineering/interior design. But since I cannot,
I'll just have to settle with the legal profession and draw up some lies instead. Haha.
Just kidding.
Adobe Photoshop may look complicated but actually, it's not. Just experiment
with the buttons and bear in mind that if something fails or turns out not quite
right, there's always the UNDO button or the HISTORY tool.
By the way, do check out this video-- 100 Years of Style.
See how fashion has evolved in 100 years.